

NEW PROVIDER - Megan Leech


Promise Healthcare welcomes Megan Leech, Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, to the Mental Health Wellness staff.

Megan Leech

Megan Leech completed her studies at Frontier Nursing University. She has been practicing as a provider for 4 years. In addition to her being a Psychiatric Nurse practitioner she is also a Certified Nurse Midwife. Megan loves all aspects of mental health, especially pediatrics and helping women with perinatal and postpartum mental health issues. She emphasises patitents should “Be Kind to their Mind! Mental Healthcare is important to every aspect fo our lives” In here spare time she enjoys spending time with her sons, jogging, Megan has run two full marathons, and traveling to the Caribbean. Megan is a believer in the work of the Red Cross and believes donating blood is very important.